What is a good conversion rate for an e-commerce site? ❒ Cuborio.com

What is a good conversion rate for an e-commerce site?

Did you know that sports articles have one of the lowest average conversion rates? Conversion rates can vary depending on the industry, so if yours is lower than the average website conversion rate, it could be the fault of the industry you are in.

Conversion rates are not about attracting a horde of visitors to your site; the real success lies in the number of visitors who actually make a purchase, subscribe to your newsletter or take any action you consider valuable within your ecommerce. That is what conversion rate means.

But here is the question: what makes a good conversion rate for ecommerce? Below, we will discuss everything you need to know about conversion rate optimisation for your ecommerce business.

Ecommerce conversion rates: understanding the basics

Let's start by getting into the basics of how an ecommerce conversion rate is calculated. It is actually quite simple.

You just need to know the number of conversions, be it sales, registrations or any other action you are tracking. And the total number of visitors to your site.

Divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors, then multiply by 100 and you get the conversion rate percentage!

For example, if 50 people made a purchase on your site and you had 1000 visitors, your conversion rate would be 5%.

It is important to understand that conversions are not just about sales. We are talking about any meaningful action a user takes on your site. This could be:

  • Subscribing to your fantastic newsletter
  • Downloading a fantastic e-book
  • Filling out a contact form

These different types of conversions are valuable because they can lead to building relationships with potential customers, collecting data for your marketing activities and, of course, making those sweet online sales.

While we're at it, let's talk about the conversion funnel. Imagine a funnel (yes, like the one you used in science class) and imagine your customer's journey from the moment they land on your site to the final goal: conversion.

This journey could have several stages, such as:

  • Awareness
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

You must ensure that this funnel or funnel is a smooth journey. There are no obstacles or roadblocks that will cause the customer to leave your e-commerce business.

It is about guiding them through the process, from the 'Hey, that looks good' stage to the 'Shut up and take my money' moment. Understanding this funnel helps you identify where you may be losing potential customers and make the journey as smooth as possible.

Average conversion rate of an ecommerce site: key factors

A good ecommerce conversion rate is based on several key factors. These factors can make or break your customers' experience.

Let's see what they are.

Website design and user experience

Picture this: you walk into a shop and it's all a mess. Stuff everywhere, no signage and you can't find what you need. You would probably leave, right?

The same applies to your website. A clean, intuitive design is what every customer is looking for. It invites people to come in and find what they are looking for effortlessly. That is why it is crucial that the user experience is perfect.

This means that the site must load quickly, navigation must be smooth and information easy to find.

UX should not be the only aspect to focus on. A visually appealing site can captivate visitors. It is a combination of functionality and aesthetics that makes users stick around and eventually press the 'Buy' button or sign up.

Building in anall-Italian customised ecommerce like Cuborio and an excellent user experience will quickly lead to conversions.

Product prices and offers

Product prices and special offers attract buyers through your digital doors.

Imagine you are a customer with a wallet ready for action. You are on the hunt for the best offer. If your prices skyrocket for no apparent reason or value, or if your competitor comes up with a new offer, guess who will leave the cart empty?

To win in the price game, you have to play smart. Be competitive, but also show value. Place an occasional offer:

  • Discounts
  • Bundle offers
  • A limited-time giveaway

This creates a sense of urgency and value that is harder for customers to resist. And when customers feel that they have made an epic bargain, you make a sale and have a happy customer who is likely to return for more.

Site speed and performance

A site that loads slowly is a repellent for conversions. People want their information and they want it yesterday.

Performance, however, is not just about speed. We are talking about a trouble-free site with smooth, error-free scrolling.

Nothing drives a potential customer away faster than a site that crashes or has strange error messages. Increase the speed of your site and ensure that it performs like a well-oiled machine.

Quality of images and product descriptions

Let's switch gears and talk about images and vocabulary. In other words, the quality of images and product descriptions. Online shopping is a bit of a leap of faith.

Since customers cannot physically touch or try on your products, they rely heavily on the images and text you provide. Blurred images or vague descriptions? Buyers might as well be blindfolded.

Invest in sharp, clear, professional-looking photos, taken from multiple angles, and don't forgo the use of video or 360-degree views if possible.

Illustrate the features, but don't forget the benefits. And be honest: do not promise what you cannot deliver.

With high-quality images and convincing descriptions, your products are not just sitting on a digital shelf, they are virtually jumping into customers' shopping carts!

Payment options and checkout process

You have won customers over with your stellar site, they have found their dream product and now it's time to close the deal. But wait! If your ecommerce checkout process is easy and with plenty of payment options, you could see your online sales increase exponentially

Simplify the checkout! A simple, step-by-step process with clear instructions is the way to go. Don't bog customers down with superfluous forms; stick to the essentials.

Let us now turn to payment options. In a world where there are more ways to pay than there are flavours in the ice cream parlour, flexibility is key:

  • Credit cards
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Cryptocurrencies

Remember that things are different for different people. Respond to a wide range of preferences and you will see your conversion rate rise quickly.

Customer reviews and testimonials

Customer reviews are the digital version of word of mouth and have a huge impact! They create trust and credibility.

Encourage your customers to leave reviews, perhaps incentivise them. Display positive testimonials on your product pages.

Avoid not-so-positive reviews. Respond with kindness and show that you care. This is all part of building a brand that customers know, love and recommend to others.

Mobile responsiveness

In an age where smartphones are practically glued to our hands, having a site that works with mobile devices is crucial. It is about offering customers on the move a smooth and enjoyable experience. This means:

  • Large, scrolling buttons
  • Easy navigation
  • Fast loading times

Google also loves mobile-friendly sites, but especially loves m-commerce, which means you may score higher in search rankings.

Typical e-commerce conversion rate: industry benchmarks

The average online conversion rate in e-commerce is typically around 2-3%. However, it can vary depending on certain factors, such as:

  • Sector
  • The location
  • The time of year

If you are reaching or exceeding 2-3%, you are on the right track. If not, don't worry! There is always room for improvement.
Take a look at the elements mentioned above or contact a consultant to improve the conversion rate of your e-commerce site.

Conversion rates per industry sector

Let's break this down by industry. E-commerce companies dealing with health might have a different conversion rate than those dealing with technology.

For example, the health and wellness sectors often have higher conversion rates, sometimes around 4%, while electronics might be closer to 2%.

Each sector has its own peculiarities, so it is important to evaluate your own performance against that of similar companies.

Conversion rates by traffic source

Where do your visitors come from? Organic search via SEO can bring a steady flow, but did you know that PPC often boasts higher conversion rates?

However, recent reports show that PPC may be on the decline. So make sure you keep up with the trends!

And don't forget the power of social media. Sometimes a well-placed Instagram ad can work wonders. It is important to know which channels yield the most, so that you can focus your efforts wisely.

Conversion rates per device

Do your customers shop on a desktop or use their phone while watching their favourite programme?

Typically, desktop users are known for the highest conversion rates, but mobile is catching up fast. Tablets are in the middle.

Adapting the site and the shopping experience to different devices can be the key to unlocking conversion rates.

Are you looking for a good conversion rate for e-commerce?

From understanding how to calculate the conversion rate and the many factors that can influence it, to comparing it with industry benchmarks, we've seen it all.

A good e-commerce conversion rate is not just a number. It is a sign that your e-commerce site is effectively engaging customers, delivering value and making their shopping experience an enjoyable journey.

Whether you are achieving the average conversion rate or trying to achieve more, remember to keep learning, testing and optimising.

Are you looking for conversion rate optimisation? Contact us today!