What is m-commerce and how it works

Mobile commerce is overtaking desktop usage in everything from banking to shopping.
When we talk about m-commerce, we are not just talking about the latest generation of e-commerce, but about something broader and more articulated.

There are many advantages offered by this new mode of e-commerce and you know that the advantages, over time, can become real challenges, excellent growth possibilities for your business.
Often, however, what makes a great idea perfect for mobile marketing is also what opens it up to greater risks.

Mobile commerce is affecting the lives of retailers and their consumers. Do you have any idea how much time the average person spends on the Internet every day? Studies claim that the average mobile user spends 3 hours and 15 minutes per day.

This is enough to explain the ever-increasing demand for m-commerce also in Italy.

With m-commerce you buy and sell on the move

Understanding the advantages of using a mobile app over a desktop website dedicated to selling products or services online opens the door to the opportunity to increase sales revenue by growing in the digital world.

Mobile offers a variety of possibilities, both for communicating with new customers and for enabling brands to increase market share as they gain insights into customer behaviour.
The number of mobile users in the world today is 3.5 billion, which means that 44.81% of the world's population owns a mobile phone.

You will see a steady growth of m-commerce in the coming years as users become more and more accustomed to buying products with a mobile click.


Some key advantages of m-commerce or mobile business.

With Cuborio you buy and sell on the move directly from your mobile commerce.

Cuborio makes it easier for consumers to discover the products available on the market, precisely because it offers all the necessary features for m-commerce that are always in step with what the customer expects to find when searching for a product or service of interest.

To purchase products or services, customers do not have to log in from their desktop or tablet to your e-commerce. They can simply visit the application or online shop and complete their purchases.

Improve your reach

Buying and selling on the move with mobile commerce reduces extra effort and saves money and time, which are nothing but the benefits of m-commerce.

Manually operated devices such as smartphones and tablets have increased the demand for cross-device websites and mobile applications.
Mobile commerce allows brands to reach new customers they had not previously considered. It is predicted that as early as next year, three quarters of the world's adults will own a smartphone.

For brands, this large user base provides several future sales opportunities. By shifting their inclination and emphasis to distinguish themselves from competitors, mobile commerce allows brands to escape the problems of market saturation.


Convenience, speed and credibility

How many days are gone when a small mobile screen, an increasingly small keyboard and limited mobile phone memory were the main concerns for mobile commerce?

Now with emerging technology, m-commerce is the most convenient way to shop and high-speed networks are providing a huge advantage.

The advantage of m-commerce is that it requires no additional effort to carry out transactions. A responsive mobile website implementing trust badges will be enough to gain the trust of your customers.


Mobile commerce specialises in using consumer data, such as geolocation, to optimise service and ultimately produce more sales.

Hyperlocal marketplaces are trending after the COVID-19 epidemic. The epidemic has become an advantage for online merchants. This allows brands to reach customers at the right time, whether they are looking for an item at midnight or shopping during a lunch break via the mobile app.

In those moments before a purchase decision, geolocation technology and targeted advertisements help retailers interact with these customers, increasing the chances that the purchase will be completed.


Personalisation and improved UX

There is nothing consumers appreciate more than a personalised experience. Saving time makes them feel appreciated, loved, and that is precisely why Cuborio always uses personalisation to its full potential.

To make your customers feel unique, you can, for example, send personalised push notifications, because personalisation has proven to be the secret ingredient of e-commerce success time and time again, especially at a time of machine learning using artificial intelligence.

Maximising profits, providing a seamless user experience are two of the strengths on which to focus your digital marketing strategies.

The enhanced user experience is the main benefit of m-commerce.

It is clear that mobile commerce offers huge benefits to retailers and brands, whether they are trying to enter a new market or introduce a new product.

The data and connectivity offered by mobile commerce can be a great way to increase market share.
These advantages, we at Cuborio, offer them to you. We firmly believe in the creation and realisation of m-commerce websites, given the current market situation and trends.

Integrate our mobile app with your e-commerce, especially if you use major e-commerce platforms such as PrestaShop, Cs-Cart, Magento, OpenCart, WooCommerce, etc.
