On-line booking with Cuborio®

An online booking system is software that allows potential customers to book and pay independently via your website or e-Commerce, giving you the best tools to run and scale your business, all in one place.

Most solutions involve the integration of third-party booking systems that need to be adapted, included, and for which you need your own technician.
Often they do not fit perfectly with the graphics of your website or send the user back to another page to complete the booking with all that this entails: abandonment, blocking, stuck navigation, etc.

That's why our software engineers came up with the idea of creating a unique online booking system in Cuborio®.


A single, integrated system

Cuborio® offers you from a single administration the management of your website, e-Commerce and booking management.

You will no longer need external services that require a subscription or a commission fee, you will be able to manage your availability and the resulting bookings yourself.

All the necessary tools

Availability management has never been more comprehensive

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All combinations of date, pre-holiday, static and dynamic holidays (such as Easter), week-based, month-based and year-based settings are available.

You can create multiple rules in combination, manage priorities and global settings.

You can select working or calendar days, set intervals, times and ranges with periodic shifts.

You can set up windows and pre-booking periods to give you time to organise yourself.

Reservation windows are also organised in reusable, sortable and combinable rules.

Reservation management

Reservation management in Cuborio® is designed to administer the entire process and customise its progress.

You can edit bookings, send notifications, check the status of notifications and generate reports.


Ticketing Management

Cuborio® is also designed for ticket offices that have to manage complex availability and booking cases.

Everything is integrated into the e-Commerce and global and specific rule sets can be applied for each product, which in turn contain additional availability settings.

The booking windows and the booking management process is designed specifically for ticket agents with a number of features below.

What you can manage about your bookings


Change of reservation

Manage every aspect of your booking by adding products or modifying existing ones


Vouchers and attachments

Generates customised vouchers with codes and integrals with external attachments


Ticket Delivery

Certified notification system with immediate download also from reserved area


Discounts and surcharges

Manage date changes by asking for a surcharge or offering discounts


Payment reminders

Automatically or manually send payment reminders for bookings


Supplements and Refunds

Manage surcharges or refunds at financial level automatically


Generating invoices

Automatically generate accounting documents and invoices to be sent to customers


Participant Management

Manage the participants for each booking and generate the relevant ticket


Integrated codes

Generate QR Codes or Barcodes in vouchers integrated with the supplier


Customised processing states

Customise your booking workflow with statuses, names and colours


Sending reports

Send customised and detailed booking reports to suppliers


Real-time integration

Integrate availability from external suppliers via API and transmit the booking

Highly collaborative

The reservation system interfaces via API with any other tool you wish to integrate, e.g. Booking's FareHarbor® or the reservation systems of Italian and Vatican entities.

It also offers automated tools to meet the needs of 'analogue' suppliers who still need Excel reports, customised notifications on incoming bookings, pax management, etc., with periodic or cadenced notifications sent according to their needs.


Advantages of an online booking system


Your business is always open

One of the biggest advantages of an online booking system is that you can stay open 24/7, regardless of opening hours.


Offers more security than spreadsheets

With a cloud-based booking system, your business information will no longer be limited to a desktop computer.


Halves the workload

An online booking system can help you save time by tackling mundane tasks, be it sending confirmation e-mails or creating reports.


Create a better guest experience

Booking technology speeds up everything from reservation to check-out. In just a few steps, guests can book, pay and sign the required documents and immediately receive a confirmation in their inbox.


It helps you stay organised

Everything is in one place. All you have to do is log in and you will see a detailed breakdown of your daily bookings, which guests still have to pay, etc.


Connect your favourite software tools

Your business is unique and therefore you probably have a particular way of doing things, Cuborio® integrates with your existing systems.


Are you interested in the reservation system?

Contact our team and find out how Cuborio® handles bookings and ticketing.