Integrating Cuborio® with major marketplaces

The integration of the world's most popular marketplaces such as Amazon® and eBay® into an ecommerce product marketplace can range from items such as product listings, order management, dropshipping to invoice management.

Linking product data and inventory to marketplaces in real time is essential to ensure a smooth customer experience with products wherever they are. There is nothing worse than buying a product in a marketplace only to find out that it is out of stock.

Cuborio® connects your product data and real-time inventory to marketplaces such as Amazon®, eBay®, ePrice®, Ali Express®, Etsy® etc.


The Advantages of Marketplaces


Reach more customers

Harness the potential of the most popular marketplaces to reach customers around the world


Unified management

Update the catalogue, manage orders and communications from a single interface


Rules and automations

Set rules on prices and communication to speed up work and achieve a high reputation


Cuborio® as marketplace integration partner

A reliable marketplace integration partner will know all the requirements for each online marketplace and offer solutions to ensure that your product data is structured and optimised correctly.

Optimised product data: ensure that the right products are in the right categories with titles, descriptions and other attributes that maximise conversions.

Successful processing and invoicing: an incorrectly integrated marketplace can cause problems with accounting and invoicing. Cuborio® will handle these details before they become problems so that you can focus less on marketplace integration logistics and more on marketing and selling your products.

Sellonly in-stock items: focus on selling what is in stock by automatically synchronising your online shop inventory as you receive orders.

Our integration solution for marketplaces

Cuborio® synchronises your order data and integrates your products from your online shop platform with many other marketplaces.

  1. Integration solutions include:
  2. Managing the generation of product data for all formats
  3. Loading and synchronisation of product cards
  4. Integration of sales, tax and shipping data
  5. Stock System Integration
  6. Order management
  7. Invoice loading
  8. Amazon FBA support

Want to know more?

Find out how to manage all your online sales with just one product