How to use Google Shopping in an ecommerce store ❒

How to use Google Shopping in an ecommerce store

Are you thinking of launching a new e-commerce shop? Are you wondering what the challenges will be for your online venture?
Here is a list of the things that e-commerce shops face the most.

  • Finding the right niche and products
  • Creating a website
  • Marketing the shop
  • Generating traffic
  • Converting visitors into customers
  • Customer service
  • Shipping and delivery
  • Return and refund process
  • Security and fraud prevention

If you have already launched your shop, you have overcome the first hurdles. Now it is a matter of marketing and generating traffic.

Although ads on search engines and social media bring quick traffic, they are not sustainable in the long run. To create a steady flow of visitors, you need organic traffic.

Organic traffic is the most important type of traffic for an e-commerce shop. It is the traffic that comes to your website from search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Organic traffic is free, targeted, long-lasting and more credible than paid advertising.

What is Google Shopping

Getting organic traffic to an ecommerce store with SEO is noteasy because it requires time and effort. To obtain a steady influx of organic traffic, a reliable strategy is required.

The fastest way to get organic traffic is to list your products on multiple channels, including price comparison engines such as Google Shopping.

Google Shopping can significantly increase the traffic and reputation of your brand.

Best of all, you can promote your products on this platform and reach millions, if not billions, of potential customers absolutely free of charge.

In the following sections, we will discuss Google Shopping for eCommerce in detail and outline the steps to set up Google Shopping for eCommerce.

How Google Shopping works

Google Shopping is a price comparison engine that allows users to search for products from different retailers. It is a free platform that companies can use to list their products and reach a wider audience.

When a user searches for a product on Google Shopping, they will see a list of relevant products from different retailers. The listings include the product name, price, availability and shipping information. Users can compare products and choose the one that best meets their needs.

E-commerce companies like yours can choose to have their products appear on Google Shopping in two ways:

  • Free listings: Companies can list their products on Google Shopping for free. Their products will be displayed alongside other relevant products in Google search results.
  • Paid listings: Companies can also pay to have their products displayed at the top of search results. This is a good option for companies that want to ensure that more potential customers see their products.

Google Shopping is a valuable tool for companies that want to reach a wider audience and increase sales. It is a free and easy-to-use platform that can help companies make their products known to more potential customers.


Would you like to integrate Google Shopping into your ecommerce? Request a free quote now and find out how to increase the visibility of your products online. Click here for a personalised consultation.


How to set up Google Shopping for an eCommerce shop

Unlike other price comparison engines, there is no direct way to list and promote your products on Google Shopping. It is necessary to follow certain steps and different platforms to configure Google Shopping eCommerce and list one's products on the platform.

This process involves two main elements: a Google Merchant Center account and a feed for the Google Shopping eCommerce platform. In addition, a Google Ads account is required to run paid Shopping ads.

Creating a Google Merchant Center account

Google Merchant Center is a free platform that companies like yours can use to upload their product catalogue to Google. This allows you to show your products in Google Shopping results, which are displayed prominently on Google's search results page.

In addition to Google Shopping and the SERP, GMC(Google Merchant Centre) also shows your products on Google Images and YouTube.

You can register a GMC account with your Gmail address free of charge. Here are the steps to follow.

Registering a GMC account

After entering your Gmail address and going to the next screen, you will have to enter your business name, location and time zone. Next, you need to confirm where you want customers to checkout once they click on a Google Shopping ad.

Local shops that do not have an online shop can also list and promote their products on Google Shopping. They can select the third option and Google Shopping will display a map of their shop's location once a user clicks on their ad.

As we have already mentioned, your customers can also check out directly from Google Shopping. To do so, select the second option. Otherwise, select the first option if you simply want to redirect them to your e-commerce shop.
You can choose the platform if you use one of the e-commerce platforms.
This was the registration process for the main GMC account. To promote your products on Google Shopping for e-commerce, you will need to complete the following steps.

Enter your products on GMC

The first step will ask you to enter your e-commerce business data.

In the next step, you will need to verify your e-commerce website. Enter the URL of your website. Google Merchant Center (GMC) offers two ways to verify your WordPress site:
Next, GMC will ask you for shipping and sales tax data. The sixth step is where the action takes place. You need to start adding products.

You can add a single product at a time or you can upload a Google Shopping feed to bulk upload all the products in your e-commerce shop. Before proceeding, you must create a Google Shopping feed for eCommerce.

How to create a Google Shopping product feed for eCommerce

Think of the Google Merchant Centre as a library and the Google Ads account as a librarian. The Google Shopping product feed is like the books in the library. Without the books, the librarian would have nothing to help people find the information they need.

Just as a library needs a well-stocked collection of books to be useful, a successful Google Shopping campaign relies on a comprehensive product feed to help customers find the products they are looking for.

A product feed is like a product catalogue. In most cases, it is a spreadsheet file in which eCommerce product information is entered. A Google Shopping eCommerce feed contains information about your products, such as title, description, price, images, etc.

The product feed is the basis of your Google Shopping eCommerce campaigns. It is the information Google uses to display your products in search results and shopping ads. It is therefore important to ensure that your product feed is accurate and up-to-date.

What are attributes in a Google Shopping eCommerce feed?

In a Google Shopping product feed, attributes are the specific details or information about your products that you include in the feed. Google uses these attributes to show your products in Google Shopping ads and search results.

There are currently over 170 different attributes that you can include in your product feed. Google has divided them into 10 categories:

  • Basic product data: Total 9 attributes
  • Detailed product description: Total 4 attributes
  • Product category: Total 11 attributes
  • Price and availability: Total 8 attributes
  • Product identifiers: Total 5 attributes
  • Destinations: Total 2 attributes
  • Shipping: Total 4 attributes
  • Taxes: Total 2 attributes
  • Markets: Total 3 attributes
  • Sales campaigns: Total 7 attributes

The specific attributes to include in the product feed depend on the products you sell and where you sell them. However, it is important to include as many attributes as possible to ensure the visibility of your products in Google Shopping search results.

  • Common Google Shopping attributes for e-commerce
  • Some of the most important attributes are:
  • Product ID: This is a unique identifier of the product.
  • Title: This is the name of the product.
  • Description: This is a short description of the product.
  • Product URL: This is the URL of the product page on your website.
  • Category: Is the category of the product in Google's taxonomy.
  • Image URL: This is the URL of the product image.
  • Stock availability: Indicates whether the product is in stock.

Managing inventory and stock effectively with Cuborio is quick and easy and allows you to avoid out-of-stock and over-stock status. Synchronise inventory data on your eCommerce site and your shops.

  • Normal price: This is the normal price of the product.
  • GTIN/MPN: These are the unique identifiers of the product.
  • Product condition: Indicates the condition of the product.
  • Manufacturer: Indicates the manufacturer of the product.

By including the right attributes in your product feed, you can improve the visibility of your products in Google Shopping and reach more potential customers.

How to create a product feed for Google Shopping for Cuborio eCommerce

If you are familiar with software such as Microsoft Excel or online spreadsheet creators such as Google Sheets, creating a feed will not be a difficult task. You can enter the attributes as column headers and copy the product data of your online shop underneath.

We strongly advise against this manual process to avoid mistakes, but especially because Cuborio allows you to extract spreadsheets automatically so that you do not have to add products one by one to your GMC account.

Manual product entry is not a reliable way to get your products on Google Shopping. An automated solution must be used to ensure that products are approved and displayed correctly.

By using an automated solution, you can avoid the difficulties and errors associated with manual product feeds and improve the visibility and performance of your Google Shopping campaigns.

To complete and start your ad campaign, follow the instructions to set up your bidding strategy, ad groups and other settings. Google will automatically create product advertisements based on the data in the product feed and display them in relevant search results.

In order for Google to display product bids accurately, it is necessary to make sure that the submitted feed is accurate. In addition, it is necessary to further subdivide the product groups so that relevant and efficient bidding strategies can be created for product listings.

Frequently asked questions

How can I measure the success of my Google Shopping campaigns?

To assess the effectiveness of your Google Shopping campaigns, you need to monitor key metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), cost per click (CPC), conversion rate, average position and return on ad spend (ROAS). These metrics act as a compass, guiding you towards understanding the impact and performance of your campaigns.

What role do reviews and ratings play in Google Shopping campaigns?

Reviews and ratings can help improve the visibility and click-through rate of Google Shopping ads.


People who visit Google Shopping are generally there with the sole purpose of comparing prices and buying the product they are looking for. This makes Google Shopping a very effective platform for increasing traffic and conversions.

By listing your products on this platform, you have a better chance of reaching your potential customers and growing your eCommerce business. I hope this article on Google Shopping for eCommerce will guide you in placing your products on the giant platform.


Do you want to exploit the potential of Google Shopping in your online shop? Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how to optimise your advertising campaigns. Click here to request your customised quote.
