
Cuborio the customised CMS for all needs

The development of customised content management systems (acronym CMS) is the driving force behind Cuborio.

Customised content management systems mean customised functionality, increased security and the advantage of full ownership.

With Cuborio's CMS you can achieve:

  • Front-end website development
  • Customised web development
  • Content management systems
  • Customised e-commerce platform development and maintenance
  • Mobile app development and NPG web frameworks
  • SaaS development services
  • Custom API development

Sometimes, one size does not fit all. Most people are familiar with popular content management systems such as CMS WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento and the like.

Although these solutions may work for some applications, it is important to be aware that one size does not always fit all scenarios!

Get a free consultation on Cuborio customised CMSs!

We have put together a common list of frequently asked questions to discuss our custom CMS development services.


When should you consider a customised content management system? The best answer is that it all depends on the specifications of your project.


Here are some scenarios in which a customised CMS would suit you:

  • Do you have security issues or business security requirements that would make standard platforms unacceptable? An example of this could be stringent security requirements that limit the amount of software licences allowed or that require reinforcement so severe that it inhibits the platform's ability to function properly. Also, remember that standard platforms are more susceptible to random attacks by bots and other automated attackers.
  • Do you need advanced functionality? If you plan to have a website or e-commerce that requires advanced customisation, consider whether you are pushing the limits of standard CMS platforms. An example might be the core software for your business that needs to be custom-built on the Cuborio CMS platform. The future risks could be the inability to perform a proper software update or, even worse, a software update that does not dialogue perfectly with the customised code.
  • Want an interface that is easier to design? The best part of a customised CMS is that the interface and workflows can be completely up to you! If you manage a large team of editors or content creators or have a large company that requires updating by many administrators, you can choose Cuborio's 'dashboard' and build your custom CMS with Cuborio around that. This is something that is very difficult with many open source platforms.
  • You need to have your own website or ecommerce. Remember, when you create a site with an open source CMS, you may not 'own' the software. For example, start-ups interested in future acquisitions that are based on an open source framework may have licensing problems in the future.

Answers to frequently asked questions for customised CMS, Cuborio®:

  • Is a customised CMS risky? Not if you choose a smart core technology and an experienced team to develop it like Cuborio's! Custom software can be created using the same tools that power popular systems such as WordPress, Drupal and the like. BUT one of the many differences is that the software will be 100 per cent customised for your business, not assembled with third-party plugins or modules to get closer to what you need.
  • Is maintenance continuous? Anyone familiar with standard CMS systems knows that they have to be constantly updated. And sometimes, when you update, your plug-ins, extensions or modules may stop working. This is the constant struggle you face during an update cycle. With Cuborio's customised software, you don't have to update the main software (PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc.) just like you would with popular open source systems, because we take care of everything. And because you have no unused plug-ins, you will never have compatibility problems when you need to upgrade your website or ecommerce.
  • What if something unforeseen happens? Remember, the web developers who create you a customised CMS platform do not use any unfamiliar technology! They use the same languages used by millions of other sites. They simply do not use inefficient software as the basis for their work. PHP, MySQL or MongoDB, Apache and Linux can be used like any other platform. And above all, in this case the customer actually owns the software. Meaning, it is up to you to do with it what you choose.
  • Why should I not choose a CMS that is known and used by millions of people? You might receive a Drupal recommendation from a web agency with a portfolio full of Drupal work and a WordPress proposal from an agency that develops websites in WordPress. Unfortunately, many will simply find a standard theme, reuse it as a 'custom design' and then fill it with plug-ins that reduce the stability of the platform. it is good to ask yourself a couple of questions: If you were not using platform X, what would be your second choice? How many plug-ins, modules or extensions would be used? Is the design customised or theme-based? Remember: if more agencies (and developers) were skilled in developing customised CMSs, you would have a lot more on offer.